I'm trying to get Lina to corruption 3 and I'm having a hard time getting the note, and the only other time I think I've gotten the note it wolf me the on Friday to go outside at midnight which I tried in the next run but nothing happened. Is there something I'm missing or am I just unlucky?
A lot of the moonstones aren't actually findable at maximum corruption levels. For Haily, you'll progress into a different scene if she as at Corruption 5 and you've slept together.
I have the corruption 1 and I go and look through sami's stuff and MC goes ill pick up this thong but after that the guide still says I don't have the panties and I check though my stuff and it says that its just boring old stuff is there some other trigger I need im on mobile
im struggling to get carla to corruption 5, i do everything the guide say but it never completes, it keeps saying i have too low corruption levels when i have it at level 4, i have no idea what im supposed to do, any help would be appreciated
My 25 hours save isnt working anymore. Everytime i want to load it, the game just shut down without any error. Is this a known issue and is there a way to get my save back?
It's a known error but not one with a reliable fix, or anything I can do about it. It's just a hazard of a code heavy game being this large and continuing development for this long.
Step one is to try loading an autosave. You might lose a tiny sliver of progress, but it could save your file right now, with no extra effort.
After that it's making sure you've got a clean install.
Beyond that the next easiest thing is to restart and use the cheats to get you back to where you were. Not a great option... but it is an option.
Finally if you send me your save file I can try to repair it. A lot of the time just loading it in a different computer can solve the problem, but there's no guarantees.
I have played this game for many hours/days and have fallen in love with it. But even after many hours there are still many things I havnt been able to find out. Thats why I hope my most curious questions will get answered so I can get the last scenes that I have missed.
First: How do I alter the note/message? I have followed the hint but I dont know how to alter it.
Second: When Lisa is standing by the lake what am I supossed to answer? If I am supposed to do something with the note that appears then I admit I havnt been listening too much to lore and have more just enjoyed finding different paths and corruptions. + The amazing scenes that take place.
Third: Lin and Alex porn date. I might just be stupid for this one but I havnt found a way to get Lin to join. Also what is triggering the Alex breast expansion? I thought it was the premium milk but it wasnt, atleast not just the milk. Im trying to get all the fotos. And how do I get the Alex and Lin's relationship path when talking to Lin? It says I have to be in a hottub with Alex and Lin and I think it has something to do with Lina being hypnotised but I havnt tried all those routs yet.
Fourth: (Told Lisa its ok) Thought I had to get her blessing in the poker game but was wrong. And while were at it, how do I get the drug interactions with Lisa at drinking buddies? I feel like there is a lot of lisa I have missed and just cant seem to find.
And lastly: Ask lin where jenny is fridey midnight. There is a question mark over the room but I cant find her anywere no matter what I do. Any helpfull tip?
I hope its not to mutch of a bother to answer these questions and Im fine trying to find out myself. Just wanted to cut some corners where im stuck :)
1: This can be complicated but the relevant path you need to reach is asking to borrow Lina's camera in the talking with Jenny scene
2: That note is a puzzle for puzzle people. Given there isn't any substantial content behind it, there aren't helpful solutions to it in the game, like asking Haily and such. But the answer is a nine letter word starting with C
3: The porn date resolution... I believe you have to trigger Alex's shyness around Lin, who you can then talk to about this on sunday morning. This will allow you to invite Lin to the porn date.
3: Alex's breast expansion is triggered by both the milk, and the massage you can get from her moisturizer scene.
4: Telling Lisa it's okay happens when you are talking about how she chose to move away for her career. Similarly if you talk to her about her job, she will mention a certain drug interaction.
5: Apologies, that question mark is a bug. On friday at midnight Jenny is at the lake.
I have all her corruption levels activated that you can get for this moment, when i'm looking around with Alex, game writes that we haven't found anything, so do i have to click somewhere to get the moonstone?
Recently whenever I try to load a game it just closes. I can start a new game and save and load but if I exit and reopen then try to load that the same thing happens again.
You can get hints for this by clicking on the guides on the right. For Haily's corruption 4, you have to spook her by catching her leaking on saturday morning, after that it is hunting down her hiding spot for Sunday Dinner.
I'm getting an error from trying to access Lina's corruption 4 info... Like, it won't let me see the conditions to unlock it... At this point I don't even know if it's unlockable.And it doesn't matter where I am I can't access that corruption 4...
I can't make any progress after Sami's corruption 1, I have even completed the sexual achievement, and still can't start the subsequent corruption, can there be any tips or dialogue flow
Trying to figure out how to use my saved games in the new version. I downloaded the new version, unzipped it, and dropped my save files into the games\saves folder. I'm able to load a saved game, but when I try to do anything the game crashes and I get "An exception has occurred."
Hmmm... there are a lot of right ways to solve this problem that might require manually fixing the file or complicated strings and that. But the one that you can do right now easily that will fix it is to:
I've been trying hard to get Hailey pregnant, and I just can't seem to find a chance to milk her. This may be because Alex is already pregnant, and seems to have co-opted the usual morning scenes. Is there an alternate scene, or have I blocked off this route by having Alex pregnant already?
You can also deactivate corruption levels which would let you access previous versions of scenes. Though if I remember correctly, there is a version of Hily by the lake that should allow it.
Thanks for the reminder about toggling the corruption levels. I temporarily disabled Alex's pregnancy, and had no trouble bringing on Hailey's. I also maxed out Sami's available levels at the same time, but alas she seems to have a ways left to go in-game. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of Hailey's pregnant scenes, and being able to officially get Sami to that point (incidentally, there is at least one Alex sequence that apparently still needs a pregnancy update, when you meet Hailey in the afternoon and the two of you find Alex in the woods while wandering--I am very curious how/ whether that will be updated for each girl's pregnancy). I am enjoying the game very much so far, so keep up the good work!
This is the most well done game in a technical and coding aspect for me. When I play other adult VNs I could usually figure out how it was made, but this actually got me thinking! It also has a different mechanic than other games which makes it more akin to a puzzle game than a VN which sets it apart!
Btw I'm not throwing shade at other games since coding and mechanics isn't really what we're looking for (let's be real), but I do appreciate when its done well!
The reunion starts on Friday evening. The game ends on Monday morning. Most of this time is spent on reaching corruption 1. How can anyone ever reach 2 or 3?
Once a corruption level has been unlocked, you can activate it in the end of run menu. While characters all at level 0 aren't lacking for content... this is where the vast majority of the games content is. Many people have not noticed this and the next version will have a popup that explains this.
Question: How do you defeat Lisa during her poker game? it's feels like I've missed something, but i always get three Queens and she ends up with a flush.
I don't know if this has been asked before but, if you release future updates of this game for download, is there a way to transfer saves across versions or would I have to start again?
Ive kept my save since .12 or .13, should work across updates. Its a little harder to track down on moble if you want the physical save, byt still doable
Crimson road is right. I'm not super familiar with the save structure on android, but you can copy the save files from one version to the next and there shouldn't be any issues with the game.
she falls in the position of being medium popular. Poll winners get dev, and poll lovers get a bit (so the end of development isn't a list of everyone's least favourites). Being in the middle means least content...
The corruption dots are a new system that is eventually going to replace the old corruptions, and they work in much the same way. Every character actually has them but only Alex's are visible right now. They link up to the dots on the scene map.
I played this game, I loved it, I completed everything then I uninstalled it. Now I come back to a bunch of updates, thank you for your quick constant updates, gonna see what you have now. I really like purple girl and want more story bits with her hopefully I'll find it soon
is it intended for the dreams to be unlocked right from the beginning? Haven't found a way to dream yet, but it feels a bit weird with how the rest of the game progresses to be able to see (some of) them right away
The dreams are scenes that I have either been inspired to write early, or are scene requests, some of which the game isn't ready for yet, or will never make it into the main loop. In either case, there isn't anything meaningful I can gate them behind.. Some characters have memories instead, which are canonical events that do happen, but don't occur during the reunion.
This is actually crazy good? Wtf? The one aspect I'd love to see explained a little bit better, is corrution. In the start I was confused for like 2 runthroughs before I got it. And I still don't know what it means to "spend" world corruption haha. But in all other aspects, this game is actually incredible. If I ever have money, I would consider letting it go to your Patreon!
Fortunately I am also fueled by compliments. I make sure patreon is just a time gate, so look forward the the next drop in just under two weeks. It's got Sami in it.
Since versions prior to this last one I have tried everything to unlock the prey or predator route in jenny, but I can't get it to give me a book to read, what should I do?
I get it's a porn game and ppl like this kind of stuff, but these characters are just bigger and even bigger tits like you maxed out there tits. I look at the logs you didn't even spell pregnant right or fertility right. 💀💀💀💀💀💀
The second one is perhaps best explained with this youtube video
And obviously I didn't max out the tits... There is also small chunks of breast expansion, so if they were maxed out to start with then they couldn't expand.
Seems to me like you''re the one making assumptions about the characters. Ironically this is a plot point the characters themselves have to deal with in their lives.
You'd get a lot more insight by actually trying it, rather than making snap judgements based on what's visible without actually touching on the content. Something about judging a book by its cover and all that.
You might be pleasantly surprised to find there's more substance than just what you're focusing on. In my experience, there are more than a few games with a theme or focus that's unmistakably on the mature side, but that are relatively deep and well-written. Then again, I'm just a random commenter on the internet; my word's not worth much, so you may as well find out firsthand instead, right?
I've given them out a couple of times but then people just run off with them and I don't get to see any of the fun stuff people make... I don't give them out anymore unless I know the person from the discord community.
You can find it in the forest, however there is currently a bug that resets world corruption between loops. You can use the debug cheat to overcome this, but it will only work for one look.
← Return to game
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I'm trying to get Lina to corruption 3 and I'm having a hard time getting the note, and the only other time I think I've gotten the note it wolf me the on Friday to go outside at midnight which I tried in the next run but nothing happened. Is there something I'm missing or am I just unlucky?
The note is gained by asking Lin about getting into Lisa's luggage, and then checking the kitchen.
how do you find haily's moonstone am i missing something obvious?
A lot of the moonstones aren't actually findable at maximum corruption levels. For Haily, you'll progress into a different scene if she as at Corruption 5 and you've slept together.
How do I hide sami's panties
if you got to your room you can hide panties
I meant how do I actually hide them though I know how to collect them but I dont know how yo hide them I don't see prompt
im struggling to get carla to corruption 5, i do everything the guide say but it never completes, it keeps saying i have too low corruption levels when i have it at level 4, i have no idea what im supposed to do, any help would be appreciated
This refers to the corruption levels of other characters.
My 25 hours save isnt working anymore. Everytime i want to load it, the game just shut down without any error. Is this a known issue and is there a way to get my save back?
It's a known error but not one with a reliable fix, or anything I can do about it. It's just a hazard of a code heavy game being this large and continuing development for this long.
Step one is to try loading an autosave. You might lose a tiny sliver of progress, but it could save your file right now, with no extra effort.
After that it's making sure you've got a clean install.
Beyond that the next easiest thing is to restart and use the cheats to get you back to where you were. Not a great option... but it is an option.
Finally if you send me your save file I can try to repair it. A lot of the time just loading it in a different computer can solve the problem, but there's no guarantees.
I didnt even know there were autosaves. I was able to load an autosave with almost no loss of progress. Thanks for the fast reply and your help. <3
I have played this game for many hours/days and have fallen in love with it. But even after many hours there are still many things I havnt been able to find out. Thats why I hope my most curious questions will get answered so I can get the last scenes that I have missed.
First: How do I alter the note/message? I have followed the hint but I dont know how to alter it.
Second: When Lisa is standing by the lake what am I supossed to answer? If I am supposed to do something with the note that appears then I admit I havnt been listening too much to lore and have more just enjoyed finding different paths and corruptions. + The amazing scenes that take place.
Third: Lin and Alex porn date. I might just be stupid for this one but I havnt found a way to get Lin to join. Also what is triggering the Alex breast expansion? I thought it was the premium milk but it wasnt, atleast not just the milk. Im trying to get all the fotos. And how do I get the Alex and Lin's relationship path when talking to Lin? It says I have to be in a hottub with Alex and Lin and I think it has something to do with Lina being hypnotised but I havnt tried all those routs yet.
Fourth: (Told Lisa its ok) Thought I had to get her blessing in the poker game but was wrong. And while were at it, how do I get the drug interactions with Lisa at drinking buddies? I feel like there is a lot of lisa I have missed and just cant seem to find.
And lastly: Ask lin where jenny is fridey midnight. There is a question mark over the room but I cant find her anywere no matter what I do. Any helpfull tip?
I hope its not to mutch of a bother to answer these questions and Im fine trying to find out myself. Just wanted to cut some corners where im stuck :)
1: This can be complicated but the relevant path you need to reach is asking to borrow Lina's camera in the talking with Jenny scene
2: That note is a puzzle for puzzle people. Given there isn't any substantial content behind it, there aren't helpful solutions to it in the game, like asking Haily and such. But the answer is a nine letter word starting with C
3: The porn date resolution... I believe you have to trigger Alex's shyness around Lin, who you can then talk to about this on sunday morning. This will allow you to invite Lin to the porn date.
3: Alex's breast expansion is triggered by both the milk, and the massage you can get from her moisturizer scene.
4: Telling Lisa it's okay happens when you are talking about how she chose to move away for her career. Similarly if you talk to her about her job, she will mention a certain drug interaction.
5: Apologies, that question mark is a bug. On friday at midnight Jenny is at the lake.
thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, this will help me get those extra scenes I have been dying to see.
How do I get Sami fertile
You can find her moonstone in the Sami finds... scene
Thanks this was helpfull :)
How do you make Carla fertile? I can't find her moonstone or any other path to unlock it.
Carla's moonstone is found while making tea
Thank you.
I can't find Alex's moonstone, was searching everywhehe in forest, can i have a hint where and when i should look for it?
it requires going searching in the forest together with alex and may not be available at all corruption levels.
I have all her corruption levels activated that you can get for this moment, when i'm looking around with Alex, game writes that we haven't found anything, so do i have to click somewhere to get the moonstone?
Or do i have to deactivate any of corruption levels to find it in the forest?
There is no pixel hunting in this game.
Recently whenever I try to load a game it just closes. I can start a new game and save and load but if I exit and reopen then try to load that the same thing happens again.
Where can I find Alex's moonstone?
When I try and load a save after getting a rollback error, the game crashes..
is there a specific error or does it just hard crash?
How do you get Hailey's level 4 corruption?I can't seem to find the way
You can get hints for this by clicking on the guides on the right. For Haily's corruption 4, you have to spook her by catching her leaking on saturday morning, after that it is hunting down her hiding spot for Sunday Dinner.
How do I trigger Alex's scene to investigate? I don't know what to do
I'm getting an error from trying to access Lina's corruption 4 info... Like, it won't let me see the conditions to unlock it... At this point I don't even know if it's unlockable.
And it doesn't matter where I am I can't access that corruption 4... 
I can't make any progress after Sami's corruption 1, I have even completed the sexual achievement, and still can't start the subsequent corruption, can there be any tips or dialogue flow
Have you gone into Sami's corruption menu at the end of the run and activated the level?
Yeah, Sami's level of corruption hasn't progressed, and I've figured out everything about Alex and Hailey
A key event to progress Sami from corruption 1 -> 2 is hanging out with her while she has a shower, and then having her teach you to swim.
Trying to figure out how to use my saved games in the new version. I downloaded the new version, unzipped it, and dropped my save files into the games\saves folder. I'm able to load a saved game, but when I try to do anything the game crashes and I get "An exception has occurred."
Whay is the exception specifically? I might be able to repair your save file depending on what?
Hmmm... there are a lot of right ways to solve this problem that might require manually fixing the file or complicated strings and that. But the one that you can do right now easily that will fix it is to:
Go into the games game/images/ui folder
Duplicate the file treeblank.png
Name the duplicate treebox.png
I've been trying hard to get Hailey pregnant, and I just can't seem to find a chance to milk her. This may be because Alex is already pregnant, and seems to have co-opted the usual morning scenes. Is there an alternate scene, or have I blocked off this route by having Alex pregnant already?
You can also deactivate corruption levels which would let you access previous versions of scenes. Though if I remember correctly, there is a version of Hily by the lake that should allow it.
Thanks for the reminder about toggling the corruption levels. I temporarily disabled Alex's pregnancy, and had no trouble bringing on Hailey's. I also maxed out Sami's available levels at the same time, but alas she seems to have a ways left to go in-game. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of Hailey's pregnant scenes, and being able to officially get Sami to that point (incidentally, there is at least one Alex sequence that apparently still needs a pregnancy update, when you meet Hailey in the afternoon and the two of you find Alex in the woods while wandering--I am very curious how/ whether that will be updated for each girl's pregnancy). I am enjoying the game very much so far, so keep up the good work!
This is the most well done game in a technical and coding aspect for me. When I play other adult VNs I could usually figure out how it was made, but this actually got me thinking! It also has a different mechanic than other games which makes it more akin to a puzzle game than a VN which sets it apart!
Btw I'm not throwing shade at other games since coding and mechanics isn't really what we're looking for (let's be real), but I do appreciate when its done well!
The game is always ending on first Monday for me. How can I avoid that. Please help me.
It's supposed to do that. The fun part is clicking "Return to the Reunion" and playing again and seeing the changes each replay brings
The reunion starts on Friday evening. The game ends on Monday morning. Most of this time is spent on reaching corruption 1. How can anyone ever reach 2 or 3?
Or am I missing something?
Once a corruption level has been unlocked, you can activate it in the end of run menu. While characters all at level 0 aren't lacking for content... this is where the vast majority of the games content is. Many people have not noticed this and the next version will have a popup that explains this.
That would be great. I think right now it may be difficult for new players.
Question: How do you defeat Lisa during her poker game? it's feels like I've missed something, but i always get three Queens and she ends up with a flush.
If you talk to l8n, she will mention Lisa's undefeatable strategy. So the goal will be to do something to the deck before you play.
I can't seem to find Hailey's moonstone, I forgot where it was and now I'm just banging my head against the proverbial wall.
Never mind, I found it, its at the lake on Sunday night.
i gotta say, yours is one of the most enjoyable AVN i've played
good stuff, keep it up
you should add more scenes with carla
I follow the whims of the patreon character polls, for a peek at how that's going...
Once you have the note, you can ask many of the characters about it, they can give you hints or may even be able to solve it for you.
I don't know if this has been asked before but, if you release future updates of this game for download, is there a way to transfer saves across versions or would I have to start again?
Ive kept my save since .12 or .13, should work across updates. Its a little harder to track down on moble if you want the physical save, byt still doable
Crimson road is right. I'm not super familiar with the save structure on android, but you can copy the save files from one version to the next and there shouldn't be any issues with the game.
Please, how can I make Lisa mention Drug interactions ?
You can ask her about these during the Lisa plays cards scene.
One thing I've been curious about. Why nothing for Cassidy?
she falls in the position of being medium popular. Poll winners get dev, and poll lovers get a bit (so the end of development isn't a list of everyone's least favourites). Being in the middle means least content...
I'm gonna make an exception for her soon.
Hello !
I'm back on the game after a pause, and i've seen a lot of nice improvements
For Alex tho, i don't really understand the corruption dots, i don't know how to complete those ?
Any help would be nice :)
The corruption dots are a new system that is eventually going to replace the old corruptions, and they work in much the same way. Every character actually has them but only Alex's are visible right now. They link up to the dots on the scene map.
Okk thanks a lot !
I played this game, I loved it, I completed everything then I uninstalled it. Now I come back to a bunch of updates, thank you for your quick constant updates, gonna see what you have now. I really like purple girl and want more story bits with her hopefully I'll find it soon
is it intended for the dreams to be unlocked right from the beginning? Haven't found a way to dream yet, but it feels a bit weird with how the rest of the game progresses to be able to see (some of) them right away
The dreams are scenes that I have either been inspired to write early, or are scene requests, some of which the game isn't ready for yet, or will never make it into the main loop. In either case, there isn't anything meaningful I can gate them behind.. Some characters have memories instead, which are canonical events that do happen, but don't occur during the reunion.
This is actually crazy good? Wtf?
The one aspect I'd love to see explained a little bit better, is corrution. In the start I was confused for like 2 runthroughs before I got it. And I still don't know what it means to "spend" world corruption haha.
But in all other aspects, this game is actually incredible. If I ever have money, I would consider letting it go to your Patreon!
Fortunately I am also fueled by compliments. I make sure patreon is just a time gate, so look forward the the next drop in just under two weeks. It's got Sami in it.
Ah fantastic! Sami is super satisfying to progress with, I suppose because of the contrast to how she normally acts. Can't wait!
Since versions prior to this last one I have tried everything to unlock the prey or predator route in jenny, but I can't get it to give me a book to read, what should I do?
if you talk to Jenny while she is by the tree, you can ask her for a book
Can someone tell me how to get the hypnosis device? Please
You can ask haily for this if she is not at the reunion.
Thank you
I get it's a porn game and ppl like this kind of stuff, but these characters are just bigger and even bigger tits like you maxed out there tits. I look at the logs you didn't even spell pregnant right or fertility right. 💀💀💀💀💀💀
The first one is a mortal combat reference.
The second one is perhaps best explained with this youtube video
And obviously I didn't max out the tits... There is also small chunks of breast expansion, so if they were maxed out to start with then they couldn't expand.
Ok that's fine it's a joke or whatever, the fact you aren't denying that these characters are boobs and have no substance other than BIG B0O0OOBSSS.
It's a porn game so I guess it doesn't really matter right?
Seems to me like you''re the one making assumptions about the characters. Ironically this is a plot point the characters themselves have to deal with in their lives.
You'd get a lot more insight by actually trying it, rather than making snap judgements based on what's visible without actually touching on the content. Something about judging a book by its cover and all that.
You might be pleasantly surprised to find there's more substance than just what you're focusing on. In my experience, there are more than a few games with a theme or focus that's unmistakably on the mature side, but that are relatively deep and well-written. Then again, I'm just a random commenter on the internet; my word's not worth much, so you may as well find out firsthand instead, right?
Will you ever be dropping HS2 cards for the characters?
I've given them out a couple of times but then people just run off with them and I don't get to see any of the fun stuff people make... I don't give them out anymore unless I know the person from the discord community.
Where can I find Alex's moonstone?
You can find it in the forest, however there is currently a bug that resets world corruption between loops. You can use the debug cheat to overcome this, but it will only work for one look.